Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More about Veronica

Veronica King is a practising natural health therapist and holistic chef. This path started for her at an early age when she took up training at the renowned Tyringham Naturopathic Clinic in Buckinghamshire, from where she developed a profound interest in using whole foods as medicine, and this attitude has formed the core of her approach to health and healing. From those early days of becoming a holistic chef, Veronica went on to study a wide range of healing therapies to augment the nutritional work, now enabling her to offer a complete package in healing the whole person.

In the late seventies Veronica travelled to India, where she first connected with Buddha Dharma. On and off over the following years until the late nineties Veronica made her home in India where she immersed herself in Buddhist studies and also worked for Tushita Mahayana Meditation Centre in New Delhi. Many opportunities arose for her to cook for very large groups of people at Buddhist gatherings and to gain more skills as a chef. Veronica cooked for three Enlightenment Experience Celebrations in Bodh Gaya and Dharamsala. While in India Veronica studied and practiced reflexology and homeopathy at accredited colleges. The Buddhist studies gave her insight into the working of the human mind and have allowed her to develop an understanding in how the mind and emotions can affect the body and thus the health.

In the year 2000 her life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with cancer. Initially, in a state of fear and shock Veronica followed the conventional route of treatment but after much reflection before surgery was to be performed, made a difficult choice. She decided to take a different route and chose to follow the holistic approach to health. Part of this approach led her to try and resolve the underlying issues compromising her health. Using all that she had learnt in her life about healing and meditation, plus information gathered about the nature of cancer, she began her own revolutionary healing journey.

During this time Veronica also began a process of psychotherapy. Throughout this she was supported by the belief that she would get through the disease and after a number of years of intense therapy on all levels, a metamorphosis took place. As a result Veronica now realises that developing a healthy sense of self and directing loving kindness towards oneself, as well as to others, is the most important element in learning to be healthy and happy. The teachings of the Buddha emphasise giving up self cherishing, and cherishing others more: however, without compassion for ourselves we tend to feed our poor sense of self and low self-esteem, a more common problem in western societies than in the east.

Whether Buddhist or not, Veronica can help you create an individual programme that will enable you to regain control of your health and assist you in beginning a transformational and healing journey of your own.

During the winter months Veronica runs Transformational Healing Retreats at Osel Study Group Goa, India and in the U.K. has established a programme of holistic health education and detox packages which are available for individuals or groups on a residential basis of 3-5days, at the Priory Retreat Centre in rural Devon. Holistic cookery courses are also available separately. Veronica also practices, at her Homoeopathic Practice based at the Priory Retreat Centre and is available for homoeopathic consultations, naturopathic dietary advice, reflexology treatments, flower essence therapy and meditation.